What I can do for you

Information and Advice

Though I am a surgeon, many people come to me for advice rather than expecting to be operated on.
I can diagnose your condition, give the options on management and provide advice on exercise, diet, work, posture and furniture to suit your particular problem.

Wherever possible, nonoperative management will be advised but if there is surgery which can help, I will explore and discuss the pros and cons with you.


I work with physiotherapists specialising in spinal conditions and can provide onward referral  to them if appropriate.


I can give you steroid injections into the spine for pain relief, when appropriate.

Spine surgery

Having undergone specialist training at the University of Toronto, I can provide a wide variety of surgical treatment. Wherever possible, minimally invasive spine surgery will be offered.
I specialise in minimally invasive lumbar fusion surgery. Complex reconstructive spine surgery is undertaken with referrals from other spine surgeons abroad and other parts of the U.K.

Many airlines do not allow patients to fly soon after surgery and indeed, in many cases its not advisable to do so. Minimally invasive procedures however, enable one to recover quickly, return to work and also satisfy flying regulations in many cases.

One in two in the western world are predicted to develop cancer and of these, one in two will go on to develop cancer in the spine. Only a small proportion of these need surgery, but this is a specialist area which I practice in.

A highly personalised approach with a tailor made solution for each problem,  is taken, when it comes to surgery.

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